As the popular saying goes, “Learning never ends”, I want to dedicate this article to every prospective student in any higher institution. There are lots of things to consider in choosing an institution to attend. You will surely not wake up early in the morning and decide to attend any institution. Thorough research and study must be carried out and as such your decisions will be enhanced. Here are few of those things you should consider before choosing a higher institution.
#1 Your desired course
The first thing you ought to do in choosing an institution is to consider if or not the institution offers your desired course. There are some institutions that do not offer your desired course and as such, there is no need of wasting your time in seeking admission into that institution.
#2 Accreditation
The next thing to consider in choosing a higher institution is whether the institution is accredited by the appropriate bodies. The body in charge of universities is National Universities Commission (NUC). The body in charge of Polytechnics and monotechnics is known as National Board For Technical Education (NBTE) and the body in charge of Colleges of education is known as National commission for Colleges of Education (NCCE). It is important to verify if the institution is accredited or not in order to avoid unpleasant distractions during your studies. Most times, any institution that is not accredited is referred to as illegal. Anything illegal will be shut down at the point of discovery.
#3 Location
The location of the institution which you want to attend is another important thing to consider before choosing an institution. Many parents will love their children to study in institutions not-too-far from home for reasons best known to them. Others will not want their children to study in places where they do not have any family relation. Therefore, the location of your choice institution also matters.
#4 Type of Institution
The next thing is to know the type of institution you want to attend. Do you want to attend a university, college of education, polytechnic or monotechnic? This must also be fully and duly considered in choosing an institution to attend. Hopefully, we will work on an article that provides a total breakdown of the features of each of these type of institution and why each of them is unique in their own way. But for now, if you are after the certificate, a university will be more advised. If you are more interested in practical knowledge, then a polytechnic will go well. Then if been a teacher is your topmost priority, then college of education will be the best option for you.
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#5 Standard/facilities
Never forget to also take into cognizance the standard and available facilities in the institution you want to attend. Many institution lack infrastructure and as such, the study environment will not be so conducive. Some have dilapidated and abandoned structures into which they want to admit students. Therefore, ensure you make full inquiries about the structures available. Then, what are the standards of the school. Many school have fully lost their standards. There are some institutions where you must pay to pass a course. There are some where examination malpractice have become a norm and fully allowed. So ensure also you take full account of the standard of the institution.
#6 Ownership
In choosing an institution you want to attend, do not forget to check on the ownership. Is it a Federal, State or Private institution? This must be fully considered. Most especially in considering the financial strength of your sponsors. Private institutions are the most expensive institutions and as such, if your sponsors are not financially buoyant, then it will not be the best option. State owned institutions are the next most expensive while Federal owned institutions are the cheapest. So you must consider well, the ownership of the institution before concluding on the institution.
#7 Monetary involvement
How rich or poor are your sponsors? There are many institutions that demands lots of money and as such, your sponsors might not be able to afford it. There are some institutions where you must buy every single textbook recommended or else you might not pass. There are also institutions where buying of textbooks are not compulsory (like the institution I attended). So check for the institution that will give you high value at a cheaper rate.
#8 Recommendation
Most times, the surest way to making choices is by recommendations from trusted people. That is why in decision making, the role of advisers should not be overlooked at all. Going through the university website might not be enough because they will definitely not tell you their flaws. So recommendation from senior friends is strongly advised. In most cases, the recommendations of those who are not directly involved in the school (not employed in the school) will be more authentic. The best form of recommendation comes from the institution’s Alumni
#9 Ranking
In choosing an institution, consider the National and Global ranking of the institutions. These rankings are done with reliable indices that are trusted. Therefore, the ranking also matters.
#10 Social menace like cultism
Social menace also affects the security of the school. It will not make any sense attending an institution which has no sense of security. From one cult activity to another. From one killing to another. Consider all these carefully before finalizing on your choice.
Let me conclude this article in the same way I started it. There are lots of things to consider in choosing a higher institution. You will surely not wake up early in the morning and decide to attend any institution. Thorough research and study must be carried out and as such your decisions will be enhanced. Follow these steps carefully and I bet you will not make any mistake and regret at the end of the matter.
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